Friday, January 28, 2011

Causes of the Cold War

The Cold War is still a bit foreign to me so I'm sure my perspective will change, but I think political causes were to blame here. Normally I would look towards economics without doubt, because everything normally results in money. But before the Cold War, I feel like people had learned their lessons economically from WWI; they saw that they needed to help other economies rebuild in order for everything to keep moving. Even the U.S. saw this in Germany. But politically, I think this is where it fell apart. Communism was still such a huge fear across the globe, and nations were being very protective in order to stop it from spreading. If a nation started to lean towards communism, they were bombarded and told to go the opposite way. With the USSR trying to rebuild itself and prosper once again through communism, western Europe was panicked because such a large nation could not become communism. It even came down to a giant wall being built to separate a nation; something I find truly ridiculous.
As for as socially, I'm unsure of how it played a role in the Cold War; I will be looking for what other people say about it. To me, it just wasn't a big factor, but I don't think you can discount anything that may have possibly aided in starting a major crisis.


  1. I like that you were able to separate the causes more thoroughly than I could. To me they're all just jumbled together, too closely related to be able to see one main one!

  2. I totally agree with you, the political factor seemed to over power everything else going on leading up to this war.

  3. I agree with about the political causes, the fear of communism was a significant factor. However, I also economics were very important. The US was ecomonically involvedin Europe, except in the USSR controlled eastern bloc. We were also controlling the economies of the countries in Latin America. While we were trying to stop communism, I also think we were doing what would benifit us economically by controlling the resources of other countries.

  4. Economics played a big role in why counties turened communist too. I mean the Asian countries that didnt have a very good economy had a hard time with democracy and capitalism because of their economy. It was easier for them to be communist because their economy was not strong.

  5. I do agree that politics played a large role in how the Cold War came about, but I think economics played a larger role than given credit for. As we kind of talked about in class the economies of different countries were able to support either democracy or communism. These economic differences made the competition and tension build up between the two nations. Also, I think that there still was economic tensions just because WW2 just ended.

  6. I agree that politic causes largely shaped the Cold War, especially the US recognizing all Communist nations as enemies and lumping them together under the same banner for their governemt. I think that was a huge blunder that would have drastically changed the US's position on the Cold War.
