Monday, November 29, 2010

Didn't they see the light?

The events leading up to the Great Depression have always been something that fascinated me. But what still gets me about the whole thing is the majority of the public's belief that everything was going to be ok. I just don't understand. The market dropped 9% within 24 hours, over 100,000 were unemployed within weeks, and hundreds of banks declared bankruptcy. Yet, President Hoover gave speech upon speech saying that the nation would be fine, the economy would bounce back in no time. Umm, really? I would have been a total skeptic long before any of these major events happened. I mean even today, the news and President say we are out of the recession. But I don't believe it just yet. And neither do those around me. My parents, my brother just out of school, and my family friends are still feeling the pinch and hundreds of others are still unemployed. I just don't understand why you would give your country such a false hope, and why the country would even believe a single word of it.


  1. Very interesting. Perhaps when things are terrible and you have nothing left, all you have is faith that things will get better. It is either that or give up, and giving up would be devastating. So perhaps until we get to that point, we can't understand?

  2. I think that sometimes it's better for someone to give you false hope, so that you feel like you at least have a shot of getting out of the depression. I feel like it wouldn't have been one bit more helpful to the people if Hoover had just come out and said our nations a sinking ship. In the end that may have caused more conflict, resulting in people being more scared then they already were, and probably would have caused a bigger panic. So Even though Hoover was giving the country false hope I think it was better that way. And yes i think it would be great for the people to question this because it would mean they are actually thinking and not just taking word, but its always good to feel like you have a little hope.
